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Corporate Directory


Every company has a corporate directory, but the medium differs - photocopies, spreadsheets, LDAP, desk phones.

Keeping these directories up-to-date can be difficult, especially when they are centrally managed.

Maintaining a Corporate Directory on a wiki, however, lets everybody update their own information as soon as it changes.


Since wiki pages are not bound by the dimensions of a printed page, they can contain a rich variety of information, such as:

Benefits of using a wiki for a corporate directory

Presentation Format

Basic: A basic table is sufficient for the task. The web browser's Search function will let users find information quicker than a 'round trip' query (unless your directory is huge).

Better: Some wikis also allow sorting of table columns without having to refresh the page.

Best: Some form of programmed directory can be even better, which can give better interactivity to end users.


Further Reading