Wiki Patterns

Patterns for successful wiki use

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Quote Participants

Quoting your team mates or executives in a wiki page will provide a logical starting point for the owners of the quote to edit the page. When people see their words on print or online, more often than not, they like to fine-tune what is written to ensure that they are understood correctly. Use this behaviour and wiki technology to provide them with the opportunity to edit their quote and thus make them participate in the collaborative editing process.


When the minutes of a meeting is written in a wiki page, make it a point to quote the person who made an important decision or comment. Send the meeting minutes wiki page link to attendees of the meeting and invite the attendees to fine-tune or correct their comments in the minutes captured in the wiki.


The Quote Participants patterns works well

  • When you need to encourage a manager or executive to experience a wiki
  • Provide a logical starting point to users who are not sure about how they can contribute.


This is a transition pattern , which may help encourage [NonParticipant] or Spectator to become a Contributor

quote_participants.1542230049.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/14 21:14 by